Online Resources
Connect with these online resources for more information about issues of race and gender, justice and democracy.
Administration of Justice:
Sentencing Project
Develops and promotes defense-based alternative sentencing programs and provides resources and information for those concerned with criminal justice and sentencing issues.
Democratic Participation:
Global Exchange
Human rights organization promoting environmental, political and social justice around the world. Encourages U.S. government and international institutions to develop policies that promote democratic and sustainable development.
Institute for Global Communications
IGC Internet -- the Internet's progressive gateway. Manages online community of peace, women, environmental and other progressive organizations.
Election Reform:
Center X - Where Research and Practice Intersect for Urban School Professionals
Project of UCLA's Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. Promotes collaborative activities among UCLA faculty, K-12 and community college educators; aims to transform teacher education and radically improve urban schooling.
Grass Roots Organizing
Poverty and Race Research Action Council
Non-partisan, national organization convened by major civil rights, civil liberties and anti-poverty groups. Links social science research to advocacy work in order to address problems at the intersection of race and poverty.
National Organizers Alliance
Diverse community of progressive organizers. Advances progressive organizing for social, economic and environmental justice. Sustains, supports and nurtures the people of all ages who do it.
Race, Class, Gender and Power:
Implicit Attitude Test Southern Poverty Law Center
For information about computer tests for implicit attitudes of bias, check out these two websites.
Center for Gender in Organizations
Based at Simmons College Graduate School of Management, CGO is dedicated to advancing learning and understanding of the connection between gender and organizational effectiveness.
Center for Third World Organizing
Links communities of color with organizing skills, political education and visions of a just society. Supports policies that advance racial justice and promote equity in the arenas of gender, economics and sexuality.
Applied Research Center
Public policy, education and research institute whose work emphasizes issues of race and social change. The home of ColorLines Magazine, ERASE (Expose Racism and Advance School Excellence) and GRIPP (Grassroots Innovative Policy Program).
Educational Access:
Online magazine providing alternative points of view, provocative opinions, hard facts, thorough research and a place for those ideas to be discussed.
Mojo Wire
Online daily news magazine by the publishers of Mother Jones magazine. Features thought-provoking, timely opinion pieces and analysis, hard-hitting, groundbreaking news stories, and investigative journalism.
The Nation
Includes commentaries on politics, culture, books and the arts. Unwavering commitment to racial justice, anti-imperialism, civil liberties and social equality informs its editorial policy.
The Progressive
Online version of The Progressive magazine. Features fresh and lively social commentary, insightful political analysis, and satire; focuses on issues of justice, democracy and equity.
RaceTalk Initiatives
Innovative research and public education project initiated by Lani Guinier and Susan Sturm when they were law professors at the University of Pennsylvania. Racetalks is a precursor to; it was also funded by the Mott and Ford Foundations.